Office Work Station - Peacock

Need something fresh?


Dream it.

Got something popped out somewhere? Have you thought about drawing it down?

Build it.

Now let’s talk about it and we need to see your dream!


Station Peacock

Showing off of a peacock in full bloom in your office. They are not only hiding some space while working but also showcasing their natural shape in the office.

Choose a colour you like:)


Station Yal

The mellow yellow panels bring an optimistic vibe to ease your stress down while working. They are calm and tranquil but active.

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Station Bru

This blue edge workstation states a cool temperature with simplicity in itself.

A light charcoal-grey glass finish lightens the weight of the workstation visually and also allows users to read the document easier.

Blank surface with Blue edges design might be too cool?


Manner Box

The one made just for U. furniture & Office

Feel free to name it, touch it and most importantly experience it. Grab one YOU like

Make it stand out.